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!! NOTE !! The firmware NOT applicable to SDS7102E.
The firmware applied to the products with following production batch / serial no. -
SDS71021312xxx, SDS71021319xxx, SDS71021327xxx, SDS71021334xxx, SDS71021344xxx, SDS71021352xxx,Change log - :
1. XY mode - persistence function added ;
2. waveform refresh rate improved ;
3.waveform cutting/ recalling function added;
4. autoset - waveform recognition;
5. channel invert bug fixed;
6. probe attenuation compensation;
7. recorded waveform exported to USB drive
8. automatic measurement - 4 more options available
9. vertical position over-speed movement bug fixed
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!! NOTE !! The firmware NOT applicable to SDS6062E.
The firmware applied to the products with following production batch / serial no. -
SDS60621245xxx, SDS60621247xxx, SDS60621301xxx, SDS60621309xxx, SDS60621330xxx, SDS60621356xxx, SDS60621408xxx,
Change log - :
1. XY mode - persistence function added ;
2. waveform refresh rate improved ;
3. waveform cutting/ recalling function added;
4. autoset - waveform recognition;
5. channel invert bug fixed - 下載
!! NOTE !! The firmware NOT applicable to SDS7102E.
Only applied for batch and serial no.-SDS71021209xxx
Upgrade detail :
1. Add "current measurement" function;
2. Add "remote control" function;
3. Fix autoscale BUG;